National Day Of
National Beach Day

National Beach Day

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This time of year seems like an odd time to celebrate National Beach Day. Typically, things are starting to wind down at the beaches. Kids are returning to school. Parents are grateful for the breather (maybe not all, but some). This year has been unseasonably hot and humid and there’s no end in sight. So National Beach Day is still one that we can celebrate seaside this year.

orange parasol
Photo by Jonas Ferlin on

Summer after summer, year after year, we pack virtually our whole lives into the car and take the family to the beach. It’s a rite of passage for most American families each year. Some have the same beach house lined up every summer while others make an adventure out of it by stopping along the way at several beaches and staying at different places. No matter how you make your plans, one thing is sure, somebody’s coming home with a sunburn!

yellow sphere illustration
You’d swear that the sun looms over beaches looking like this!!! Photo by Pixabay on


More than just laying out on the beach or yelling at the kids not to go too deep, National Beach Day is also about preserving the beaches for the years and generations to come. There are ways you can help to preserve your favorite swimming hole, whether it be the beach, lake, or river.

For instance – you could organize a clean-up day amongst friends and family or reach further through social media. I’m sure that the local (town) governments or parks and recreation would welcome the helping hand. If you contact a local office I’m sure they could point you in the right direction. Find out what and where the neediest locations are.

Maybe some would like to help but just can’t find the time. Create a fundraiser to help buy items to make clean-up easier, It could even be used to buy lunch for the volunteers on clean-up day. Just be sure you have full transparency on your fundraiser page as to what the proceeds could be used for. You might even want to raise funds for another organization. One that might protect the native wildlife on the beaches.

Great Books for the Beach

National Beach Day History

Not an exciting history by any means, but a history nonetheless. It was first observed in 1929 as part of an annual convention plan for the Knights of Columbus out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Unfortunately, it never took hold.

That is until 2014 when Colleen Paige, a pet and lifestyle expert, re-created National Beach Day to celebrate beaches and the importance of keeping them clean. No matter the reason it was created, we’re happy that it caught on so we can ensure future enjoyment.

Don’t forget these items

  • Chairs
  • towels
  • blanket
  • umbrella
  • cooler
  • drinks, sandwiches, snacks
  • napkins
  • sunglasses
  • visor
  • sunblock
  • waterproof phone case
  • Book/Kindle/Play Away®
  • pail and shovel
  • boogie board (or whatever they call them these days)
  • frisbee
  • Speaker if going with friends and earbuds if going alone
  • cover-ups
  • First-aid kit
  • water shoes
  • beach bag
  • and a rolling cart like this one from Kohl’s to carry it all

As always, if you missed yesterday’s National Day you can click here.


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