Now Is the Time to Ready the Garden

Early spring is upon us and that can only mean one thing. We self-reliant sort need to start prepping the gardens. It’s time to get the garden ready, like it or not. For most of us, the groundbreaking may be the hardest part. This doesn’t mean there won’t be more hard work ahead. Each year, we need to prep the […]

National Virginia Day

National Virginia Day

Today we celebrate National Virginia Day as it was the 10th state to enter the Union. On June 25, 1788, Virginia joined the previous states (Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, and New Hampshire) to join the Union and ratify the Constitution. Geography of Virginia The state of Virginia is divided into five geographical regions: the […]

Make Your Own Water Bead Stress Ball

Make Your Own Water Bead Stress Ball

Most of us love to periodically squeeze a stress ball or some other shape throughout our work day. You’re going to learn how to Make Your Own Water Bead Stress Ball. Granted this craft is geared towards the kids, but there’s nothing saying you can’t make one as well! I made one with my little lady, not gonna lie. If […]

National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day

National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day

September 13th celebrates National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day. Not a bad deal for us parents…..unless said kids are the type to set the place on fire. This day isn’t just for the big kids though. This day should bring even the smallest of children into the kitchen. #NationalKidsTakeOverTheKitchenDay While it would be a great way to sit down […]

National School Picture Day

National School Picture Day

Every child in America either is over the moon or absolutely dreading National School Picture Day. I always dreaded it. Either my clothes were never right, I sported a really bad hair day, or had some volcanic growth on my face! Now that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but I think we all know that it seemed that […]

National New Hampshire Day

National New Hampshire Day

Yet, another state I have lived in! National New Hampshire Day is special for me for many reasons. The biggest reason is my daughter. We weren’t sure what NH was going to have in store for our family, but after moving there we decided to do foster care. That’s where we found our baby girl. Others came to stay for […]

National Read a Book Day

National Read a Book Day

National Read a Book Day should be every day! I love to read books! Mostly thrillers, but kid’s books are great when reading to my child or to the students at school. Adding voices and and motions really gets the kids going too. The most satisfying thing is hearing the kids yell “NNNOOO!!” when you tell them that you’re ending […]


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