National Day Of
National Black Cat Appreciation Day

National Black Cat Appreciation Day

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a black cat sitting on concrete
Photo by luca Finardi on

National Black Cat Appreciation Day is probably a favorite to the green-skinned, warted individuals of the world.

These poor little guys and gals get a pretty bad wrap, especially in the superstitious circle. So get past those superstitions because cats are just so adorable. Yes, the black ones included. Look at the one at the top of this post. It’s absolutely beautiful! They are equally elusive, mysterious, mischievous, and altogether loveable.

It probably doesn’t surprise many of you that the superstition surrounding black cats makes them less likely to be adopted/rescued. Because of this many are euthanized. Seems so shameful that society would allow such a thing. The mere fact that there are enough who believe in the hocus pocus that surrounds black cats to affect their untimely demise. That’s enough of the gloom and doom.

National Black Cat Appreciation Day History

Back in 2011, a man by the name of Wayne H. Morris created the day in honor of his sister, June, who passed away at the young age of 33. In case you’re wondering what Mr. Morris’ sister had to do with black cats……you guessed it. She had a black cat named Sinbad. Unfortunately, both Jane and Sinbad passed away in the same year. Furthermore, while searching out this information I discovered that Mr. Morris passed away just last month.

Black Cat Superstition History

There are several myths associated with superstition.

They all stem from ancient Greek times. Zeus’s wife turned a servant into a black cat because he was interfering with the birth of Hercules. The servant then struck up a coalition with the goddess of witchcraft and ever since black cats are associated with evil.

Superstitions believed because of Zeus’s wife

In many parts of the world, it is believed that if a black cat crosses your path you can’t continue to your destination as it will result in negative results, even death.

Another is that black cats are actually witched in disguise. In disguise so that they may carry out their spells virtually unnoticed.

But wait, there’s more!

  • In some parts of the world superstition is quite the opposite. Is it possible that some superstitions are positive? Yep!
  • In some parts of Europe, it was believed that a black cat on the ship would give your voyage safe passage.
  • In Scotland, it’s widely “believed” that if a black cat shows up at your home that you will have prosperity and wealth. (I like this one!)
  • In England, it’s considered good luck for the bride if she receives a black cat as a wedding gift.
  • In France, something magical is about to happen if you see a black cat.
  • In Japan, it is believed that spying a black cat will bring you or at least lead you to true love.
  • In Scotland, it’s widely “believed” that if a black cat shows up at your home that you will have prosperity and wealth. (I like this one!)

There’s still one more National Day that I decided to recognize. This is not because it’s a favorite (not by a long shot), but because we already started recognizing each state as it entered the Union. So click here and read a short bit about the state of Massachusetts.

And as always, if you missed yesterday’s post then click right here.


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