National Day Of
National Cherry Popsicle Day

National Cherry Popsicle Day

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National Cherry Popsicle Day is a call to action for all. Sounds a bit serious, but, hey, just trying to get your attention. It really seems like there’s a day to celebrate just about ANYTHING in the world. Each year, on August 26th, the world (or at least the US) of popsicle lovers celebrate National Cherry Popsicle Day.

In 1905, Frank Epperson, a boy of only 11 years old, inspired the first popsicle. How in the world could an 11-year-old boy possibly influence the creation of such a delectable treat? Well, it’s not as glamorous as you might think.

Little Frank decided to mix up some powdered soda (or pop) and wanted to chill it quickly. What else to do , but put it in the freezer for a quick snap. This young one is my spirit child and I’ll tell you why. He forgot the drink in the freeze (that’s what makes him like me) and since he left the mixing stick in the drink, you guessed it. Little Frank accidentally created an early version of the popsicle. He was even clever enough to give it a name, “The Epsicle”.

Like all children, Little Frank grew up and was in attendance at the Fireman’s Ball. The year was 1922 (doing the quick math here, he’s now 38), and while at the ball he decides to unveil his frosty treat. It was a hit and that gave him the idea to sell his icy treat at a local amusement park. Two years later, in 1924, he applied for a patent for the Epsicle, but later changed it to “popsicle”.

The brand “Popsicle” has become such a common name that it is interchangeably used for all frozen, icy treats on a stick. We have all done it. Called a product by the brand names of it’s counterparts instead of by the industry name. Called a copier a Xerox® machine, a tissue a Kleenex®, an ice pop a Popsicle®, or a minivan a Caravan®. These are all examples of calling a product by a registered trademark.

So the next time you’re enjoying an ice pop, remember little Frankie and be sure to pay him some homage.

If you missed yesterday’s National Day then just click here. Oh, and if popsicles aren’t your thing then click here for a fantastic milkshake recipe.


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