National Diatomaceous Earth Day

National Diatomaceous Earth Day may seem like a useless thing to celebrate, but it’s such a useful product with a wide variety of uses. Let’s take a look at this versatile element. Dictionary.com defines it as a soft, crumbly, porous sedimentary deposit formed from the fossil remains of diatoms. used as an abrasive, as filtration, etc.

So what exactly is Diatomaceous Earth (DE) and how do we use it?
Well, you already read the definition above, but what is it really? It’s a type of powder made from the sediment of fossilized algae (diatoms) found in bodies of water.
Because the cells of these algae were high in a compound called silica, the dried sediment produced from these fossils are also very high in silica. These deposits are found all over the world. The ancient Greeks used diatomaceous earth to make building materials, like bricks and blocks. Later on it became popular in Europe for various industrial uses.
DIATOMACEOUS EARTH: Overview, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Interactions, Dosing and Reviews (webmd.com)
DE is a powder containing about 80%-90% silica and that’s what makes it such a versatile product. DE is said to kill insects by dehydrating them or drying them out. Also, the powder allows liquids to flow through while capturing unwanted material. Are you starting to see how this powder can be useful in so many ways?
What are some things that DE is used for?
For starters – when considering it’s uses for the human body, it can be used to treat high blood pressure. It can also be used to treat constipation. As an exfoliant it’s used to remove dead skin cells. How about using it for your hair, nails, or teeth.
The silica in DE, when taken by mouth, will help with constipation. Once your digestive system is detoxified it will be rid of the gas and bloating caused by bacteria. What’s truly interesting is that it vastly reduces the craving of carbs and sugars thus reducung bloating and thus may cause weight-loss. BONUS!
It also helps boost collagen to prevent wrinkles, promoting healthy skin. Silica has the ability to form collagen to repair loose skin when used directly on the face.
Side effects?
THere isn’t enough information to report solid evidence against DE. There have, however, been reports of people who work with it having serious lung problems, even contracting lung cancer. Some reports also say that when coming in contact with the skin at has caused a rash or wound.
The most common uses of DE are around the house. It’s used in pool filters, for one. It’s also used as an insecticide. In general, as a filter, DE is used to filter liquids such as beer and wine. That’s because it allows the fluids to flow through while capturing the unwanted materials. Another use is in paints – it makes the flat paints flat by removing the sheen. When oil spills, its DE that specialty clean-up crews reach for to absorb it. There’s hundreds more uses.
How to celebrate
Start by doing some research and discovering some other uses of DE. Follow this link to start your research now.
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