National Day Of
National Hug Your Hound Day

National Hug Your Hound Day

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I sure wish I had my two hounds here with me so that I could celebrate National Hug Your Hound Day. I miss my girls every day. Our Basset Hound passed away in 2018 and our Walker Hound passed away 2 years later. You never think that the passing of an animal will be that bad. I’m here to tell you it is.

My babies when they were young’ns

So the second Sunday in September we take a moment or many to observe National Hug Your Hound Day by honoring our canine companions. I’m sure that if you have pets, this day isn’t necessary in order to show your four-legged pal some love.


Interesting turn of events on this particular day. The correct way to observe this day is to actually see the day through your dog’s point of view. To see how he “lives” when you’re gone for the day. Inspect his lounging area, his play area, and his feeding area. Check and double-check for things that may need correction. Could be anything from a food bowl turned chew toy that needs replacing or a dog bed that has stuffing falling out which creates a choking hazard. Really just anything out of sorts.

photo of woman hugging a dog
Photo by Athena on

Be sure to snap a shot of some snuggle time with your pooch and use the #NationalHugYourHoundDay.

History of National Hug Your Hound Day

National Hug Your Hound Day was the brainchild of author, Ami Moore. She strives to make Americans more dog friendly and sensitive. She’s “lobbying” for pets of America to be accepted in more public places. While I am compassionate to those who truly need a service dog, I do not believe that animals belong in public areas like restaurants and grocery stores. We have to be sensitive to everyone’s food sensitivities, but not to animal allergies. I also find it unsanitary. They lick, some pee and poop, they all sit on their naked behinds, they drool, they shed. And, yes, I’m aware that some people shouldn’t be in public either bc of their unsanitary conditions. I love my animals, past and present, but I know there are certain places they just don’t belong.

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