National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day
September 13th celebrates National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day. Not a bad deal for us parents…..unless said kids are the type to set the place on fire. This day isn’t just for the big kids though. This day should bring even the smallest of children into the kitchen.
While it would be a great way to sit down and relax while the elder children prepare the meal, let’s not forget that SPENDING time in the kitchen with the youngest of the household is important too. It may even be better. You’ll be creating memories, teaching them to feed themselves and others, or just have a good ol’ fashioned fun and messy time in the kitchen.

The YCA (Young Chef’s Academy) encourages the youngest family members to help in the planning, preparation, cooking, and even serving of meals in the home. In our home, we use baking and cooking as an instrument to teach our littles some practical math. Math that we know she’s going to ACTUALLY use. Not that the other math isn’t important to learn, but a vast majority of us never use trigonometry or calculus post-education.

WHy math on National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day?
I will cook with my daughter and have her read the directions and ingredients to me. She is learning 1/4 or 1/3 by seeing the numbers in fraction form and then I’ll draw a picture to represent the measurement. It’s been a great way for her to learn so much. Math, cooking, following directions, and the fruits of her labor. I love to watch her learn and create memories. Teaching them to cook will also create a healthier, more nutritious way of eating. Helping them to make better choices in the future by giving them more choices than just reaching for the closest bag of chips or cookies. Participation in cooking will also get the children away from the dreadful TV, computer, or phone.
History of Kids taking over the kitchen
National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day is sponsored by Young Chef’s Academy. Be sure to check out their website in the link above. They have some creative ways and recipes to help get the kids into the kitchen.
You might also wonder when a good time would be to start teaching your child the basics. A good rule of thumb is when they are able to walk/stand on their own. Now I don’t mean cooking over an open flame or anything like that. I’m talking about stirring, pouring, and scooping. Use your judgement though as some kids may be able to walk, but certainly don’t have the attention span or patience. One of my children? Definitely calm enough. The other one? Not so much.
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