National Day Of
National Mutt Day

National Mutt Day

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July 31st is National Mutt Day

Why a mutt?

Today is the day that we embrace the fact that purebred isn’t always the way to go. We should all be so lucky to save and celebrate the needy mixed breeds of the world! It’s such a great day that it’s apparently celebrated TWICE a year. That’s today and December 2nd. #NationalMuttDay is the perfect time to act on that itch to join the ranks of dog ownership.

These guys certainly need the love we can give them. Let’s face it, most people lean towards the purebred purchase. That being said, there isn’t a shortage of people who are eager to give a new home to the upper echelon of canines. You are in a position to make a difference in the life of one dog who may otherwise end up euthanized.

The word “mutt” certainly seems to shout negative connotations, doesn’t it? They can in fact obey, learn, and be trained just like any purebred line. Being able to trace lineage doesn’t change the ability of a dog to learn. Many of us don’t know our lineage. It doesn’t make us any less capable of learning or holding a place in someone’s heart. Why should it be any different for a dog?

The Statistics

According to the ASPCA, approximately 6.5 million pets enter shelters each year. Of those 6.5 million, 3.3 million are dogs. Sadly, 390,000 of those dogs will be euthanized. Research also shows that those who adopt and rescue are just as blessed. Humans and pets both increase activity, social interaction is increased through daily walks, and patience and understanding are gained on both sides. Not to mention the trust the dog learns and the safety and solace humans find in the pets.

What Can You Do?

Maybe you are not too keen on bringing a pet into your home, but you also appreciate the need to protect these pets. You can donate money or supplies to your local shelter. You can also volunteer at a shelter. Any help you can offer is creating a better chance for our furry friends. You can also visit the shelter and post on social media pictures of dogs in need of a new home. Make sure to use the hashtag #NationalMuttDay to get more hits. Learn more on this at the ASPCA website.

Look at that face! Who wouldn’t want to love it and give this boy or gal a chance?

Don’t forget to check out yesterday’s National day right here if you missed it. Today is also National Avocado Day and National Raspberry Cake Day


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