National Day Of
National Pastor’s Spouses Day

National Pastor’s Spouses Day

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National Pastor’s Spouses Day is near and dear to my heart. I have had three lovely ladies in my life due to Pastors in my life. I can tell you that being a pastor’s wife is as involved, sometimes, as being a pastor. She not only has to support her husband, family, and self, but she also has to give prayerful support to all the ladies in the church.

The pastor has a difficult job, of course. He has to preach several weekly sermons, do visitation, pray for each and every one of the congregation, they are a part of every meeting, and that’s not all. They still have their personal lives to live as well. They often have families of their own and some even have to have at least a part-time job outside of the church. Their phones ring in the middle of dinner or the middle of the night. Without fail, they answer the call, no matter the nature.

To that pastor’s call is the answer from his wife too. She is left to eat alone, sleep alone, or may even need to accompany him. She is phenomenal support to her husband, her children, and the ladies of the congregation. Without spousal support, the pastor may very well fall to pieces. Yes, that’s a slight exaggeration, but he would struggle through daily tasks and responsibilities that are required to run a tight ship.

The picture of dedication

In addition to answering the call of God, they answer each one of our desperate calls as well. They support each other in the needs of the congregation, their family, and the community. Let’s not forget that we must reach beyond the walls of our congregation in order to reach the lost. The atmosphere that they create is a spiritual one.

The pastor and his wife have the same marital goals as the rest of the congregation (should), except they are under constant scrutiny. The children of the pastor and his wife are under more scrutiny than their parents. It seems that often the people of the congregation are waiting for some sort of failure. For some reason, they forget that this entire family is the same as every one of us, but they instead hold them to a higher standard. So for them to hold it all together is surely a picture of dedication. National Pastor’s Spouses Day actually extends out to the pastor’s entire family.

“God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early.”

Psalm 46:5

How to celebrate National Pastor’s Spouses Day

Get yourself to church and be sure to walk up to your pastor’s wife and thank her. Let her know you appreciate her. Get her a card. Take her out to lunch. Get her a special gift. Come alongside her and ask her how she’s doing, and if there is anything you can pray on for her. Visit this blog post to get more insight.

As always, if you missed yesterday’s National Day, please click here.


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