National Day Of
National Radio Day

National Radio Day

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On this day, August 20th, we celebrate National Radio Day. My childhood is full of good music and hours of trying to record my favorites off the radio for the perfect “Mix Tape”. Nothing gave me more joy and angst than timing the recording just right only to find out that the DJ was talking through the song. Oh the agony! Then there was pausing and recording so much that the tape would look like the image below.

retro cassette with tape on gray background
Photo by Elijah O’Donnell on


Since its inception, the radio has remained an efficient means of mass communication to date. The invention was welcomed by all that had the privilege to listen. It was a delight to hear the sounds of music and news coming into your home from a voice in a box.

To say that any one person, in particular, was solely responsible for the invention of the radio would be false. It was actually an entire host of individuals that contributed to the invention of the radio. In the 1890s, scientists like Nicolas Tesla, Guglielmo Marconi, and a host of others developed transmitters, receivers, and conductors.

However, it was Guglielmo Marconi who combined the literature he read with the ideas of other scientists and ended up building the first set of portable transmitter and receiver devices. National Radio Day is to celebrate the invention, not so much the inventors of the radio. Read more on the history of the radio here.

My favorite show and an early model radio all in one picture.

So whether you’re a newbie or an old pro at the radio, please take some time out today to truly think about the items in our lives. Now think about how they got here. Who invented them and if not for them, we’d have nothing. I often think of the minds that these people must’ve had. Like, hey, let me take this here wire, this conductor, and hook it up to this doohickey and then I will have made sound for all to hear. Mind. Blown.

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