National Day Of
National Read a Book Day

National Read a Book Day

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National Read a Book Day should be every day! I love to read books! Mostly thrillers, but kid’s books are great when reading to my child or to the students at school. Adding voices and and motions really gets the kids going too. The most satisfying thing is hearing the kids yell “NNNOOO!!” when you tell them that you’re ending reading for the day (always on a cliffhanger).


This day differs slightly from the one we observed back on August 9th. If you recall, that was for book lovers. This day encourages everyone to try to read a book. I think most will find that if a book is chosen in their wheelhouse that the reading part becomes quite easy. And if you should have children to read to, I highly suggest it. If that doesn’t get you in the mood to read perhaps you should check your pulse. I’m just kidding, but if reading’s not your thing, don’t force it.

Reading research shows that i improves memory, vocabulary, concentration, and may even reduce stress….unless you loathe reading. In which case, it will CAUSE stress. One thing we have begun to do with our daughter is to buy the classics (i.e. The Wizard of Oz, Because of Winn Dixie, and the movies so that we can watch as a family and read the book to see how different the two can be.

Some of my favorite books to read with my child:

Not a reader? Have a hard time staying focused? No worries. Get yourself a book on tape or what they call a “play-away“. Your local library will carry them or be able to borrow them from another library for you. There is no excuse not to meet the challenge proposed by National Read a Book Day.

Did you miss yesterday’s National Day? Don’t fret, just click here.


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