National Day Of
National Sleep Under the Stars Day

National Sleep Under the Stars Day

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It’s not just National Sleep Under the Stars Day, it’s GLOBAL. So whether it’s out in the forest or your own backyard, sleeping under the stars can be absolutely invigorating. I wouldn’t personally recommend the forest or backcountry without truly knowing your surroundings. Of course, our own backyards are probably the safest place. Perhaps you’re adventurous and that’s ok. Anywhere is great. If I can give you any true bit of advice though, it’s this: The farther away from the city and city lights you are, the more prominent the stars will be. You will feel so peaceful.

Brief History

A very brief history. In 2020, Eddie Bauer declared August 8th as National Sleep Under the Stars Day. That’s it. Short and sweet.

There are so many books to read and movies/documentaries to watch on the subject. Many can be deterrents as the greusome ones seemto get the most publicity. I can assure you that while they are rare, it can happen to anyone. Let’s never be too secure in our surroundings that we let our guard down. Just the same, never venture into areas you are infamiliar with before proper research.

While looking for some additional information on the subject I discovered something else. If you are lucky enough you may get to view the Perseid meteor shower. It has been going on since July 17th and is going to continue through August 24th. The peak of this phenomenon will actually be August 13th at approximately 1am. It’s at that time that we,  the Earth passes through the heart of the steam of dust left behind by Comet Swift-Tuttle. I was unaware this was even happening. What a great incentive to try sleeping under the stars tonight. And if you must delay it, then defintely get out under those stars on August 13th!

I truly hope you get out and enjoy nature and all it’s beauty. Meanwhile please check out this article on one of my favorite astronomical sights, Aurora Borealis, a.k.a. The Northern Lights.

Of course, if you missed yesterday’s National Day then click here.


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