National Day Of
National Underwear Day

National Underwear Day

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We all wear them. We all have our favorites. We all have our codenames or slang words for them. Skivvies, undies, panties, tightie whities, boxers, knickers, briefs, drawers, BVD’s, loincloth, bloomers, britches, or jockeys. This list is endless. National Underwear Day is something to be thankful for. Well maybe not the day itself, but for the garments themselves.

So where did #NationalUnderwearDay get its start? We don’t have to look too far to find that it was started in 2003 by Freshpair. I guess all you have to do is declare a day a national day of [fill in the blank]. There is probably more to the way it started, like boardroom conversations, or late-night snack discussions. For now, it’s enough to know its origin.

History of the underwear

The first recorded form of undergarments was back in the 4th century BC Greek women wear a form of bra called an apodesme. Fast-forward to the late 16th century and women begin to wear corsets. While searching for some of this information I came across this disturbing image.

I can’t begin to imagine the pain. Not to mention the health issues this must have caused.

Who knew that such a humble start would lead to National Underwear Day? Do you want to know more about this timeline? Find out here how some of the slang we use for our undergarments began. The timeline on the link is full of fun and interesting information.

Other National Days to celebrate today:

And if you missed yesterday’s National Day Post click here. And there was a bonus post to include the recipe here.


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