Now Is the Time to Ready the Garden

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Early spring is upon us and that can only mean one thing. We self-reliant sort need to start prepping the gardens. It’s time to get the garden ready, like it or not. For most of us, the groundbreaking may be the hardest part. This doesn’t mean there won’t be more hard work ahead. Each year, we need to prep the garden. Rest assured there will be rocks to pick as they ALWAYS find their way to the top of the soil.

Every year I’m awed and amazed by the vast amount of rocks that make their way upward. There’s also the crazy amount of tree seedlings that pop up as well. We typically get the oak and maple seedlings. They’re easy enough to pull up but can be time-consuming when added up.

Once all the rocks and seedlings are out you can begin prepping for the garden that will look like the one you see here.

What to do next….

Now that you have the hardest part done you can begin to plan the layout of the plants. PSA: If you had many rocks to remove from the garden during the prep stage then you will continue to have more rocks rear their ugly heads. Each time it rains or you cultivate you can be sure those lil buggers will show up as if you had never removed even one at all.

What to plant? Hmmmm….easy and prolific should be your goal. Cucumbers, tomatoes, beans, eggplant, beets, carrots, cabbage all come to mind. They are all relatively easy and will give you great harvests which you can turn into stores in the pantry! That’s right, feed your family through the winter.

Here’s some cute shirts to wear that will help you to celebrate your new garden……

Come back for some more garden info as the season grows on. Stay tuned for instructional posts and videos on canning.


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