National Underwear Day

National Underwear Day

We all wear them. We all have our favorites. We all have our codenames or slang words for them. Skivvies, undies, panties, tightie whities, boxers, knickers, briefs, drawers, BVD’s, loincloth, bloomers, britches, or jockeys. This list is endless. National Underwear Day is something to be thankful for. Well maybe not the day itself, but for the garments themselves. So where […]

Original Toll House Cookie Recipe

Original Toll House Cookie Recipe

Before we get to the meat or should I say cookie of this post, let’s look at the history of this now infamous cookie. The Original Toll House cookie recipe credit belongs to Ruth Graves Wakefield. She also shared the credit with her Toll House Inn cook, Sue Brides. As stated in this post for #NationalChocolateChipCookieDay the story goes like […]

National Georgia Day

National Georgia Day

Some of my favorite people hail from or moved to the Peach State. That’s why I chose to focus on National Georgia Day. There’s some great history in Georgia as well. Georgia is known for its peaches. For haunted Savannah. It’s home to the oldest state park in the nation. It’s also home to the largest single mass of granite […]

National Coloring Book Day

National Coloring Book Day

National Coloring Book Day; This has got to be one of the more fun National Day of’s for me. I tend to fancy coloring a might more than my seven-year-old does. That’s no exaggeration either. It’s comical to see her hanging MY colorings on her wall because she says, and I quote, “Momma, you’re an expert colorer and artist”. Oh, […]

National Respect for Parents Day

National Respect for Parents Day

August 1st is National Respect for Parents Day Now here is a subject that should be near and dear to every one of us. Either because we are parents or because we have parents. #RespectforParentsDay is in recognition of our own parents, ourselves as parents, and even friends that we think are great parents. Parents are EVERYTHING to their children. […]

Straw Airplanes

Straw Airplanes

This straw airplane wasn’t as easy to make as it was made to look in the photos provided. It was fun nonetheless. I will say that it flies very well despite the less-than-perfect geometric shape. Let’s face it, finding ways to be creative can get exceedingly hard as the summer days roll on. Trying to keep our littles occupied and […]

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